Additional support

If you need additional help due to age, disability or during the cost of living crisis, find out how we can give you extra support.

Priority Services

We know that everyone's needs are different and our free Priority Services register is designed to help.

Braille being read with a right hand

Help paying

With the rising cost of living, many are worried about what the future holds for their finances. If you're facing financial difficulty, either short-term or long-term, we are here for you.

Two people discussing the contents of a guide the have open in front of them

Scams and bogus callers

Find out how to avoid being duped into parting with your personal information, valuables and money.

Home check employee showing a customer his ID badge

Managing someone else’s account

You can manage someone else's water and/or sewerage account if they can no longer do it themselves.

A concerned couple looking over some papers. They are using a calculator