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Priority Services
If you need additional support due to age, ill health, disability, mental health or a temporary change in your personal situation, we are here to help.
Priority Services is designed for customers with additional needs who may need extra help.
By signing up for free you can choose which services you would like to receive.
If you also need support paying your bills, we may be able to help through one of our help-to-pay schemes.
Who is eligible?
Priority Services is for anyone who needs extra help. We offer support for a range of conditions, illnesses and situations – these include but are not limited to those listed below.
Sign up to Priority Services
If you require extra support, simply sign up for free and choose which services you would like to receive.
Update your details
If your circumstances have changed, you can update your details or remove yourself from our register at any time.
Confirm your circumstances haven’t changed
Confirm your circumstances haven’t changed to remain on our register. We check this every two years.
Ways we can help
Many of the following services may apply to you. We have worked with organisations and charities to identify the services that may be of most benefit to customers with specific needs.
Support during incidents
If we need to carry out work near you, we may have to temporarily turn off your water supply, but we will always write to you in advance.
Sometimes unplanned interruptions, like bursts, can leave customers with no water. We will call you to keep you informed throughout and ask if you need extra help, for example, checking if you need any bottled water delivered urgently.
If you use dialysis equipment or have a particular need for water, we will try to plan our work around your needs.
Learn more about how we will support you during an incident.
Your bill and other communication
You can receive your bill and other information in a way that’s easiest for you.
You can choose to:
- have your bills or information about our services sent to a carer, family member or friend
- receive it in different formats such as braille, large print or another language
- ask us to call or visit your home to read your bill to you.
You can also communicate with us through:
- a nominated point of contact such as a carer, family member or friend
- our live chat
- Relay UK text
- home visits
- interpreters on our dedicated language line
- British Sign Language translation.
Knock and wait or password service
If you have a particular need which means it may take a while to answer your door, don’t worry, we will wait for you.
You can also set up a password and we’ll use it every time we visit you. Always make sure your password is unique to you to avoid identity fraud.
The password can be in your chosen format. Hard of hearing customers, for example, can ask for their password to be written down if someone visits their home.
If you receive a visit from one of our team, remember to ask to see their identity card before you let them inside your home.
Find out what to do if you suspect someone is a bogus caller.
Reading or moving your meter
We can help if you have trouble reading your meter.
We usually take two meter readings a year to calculate your bills, but if you get in touch we can take an additional two readings for you.
If your meter is not accessible, we can move it for free to a more suitable place if it is practical to do so.
If you are not currently on a water meter but would like one installed, you can apply for a meter online.
A nominated contact
You can appoint someone to manage your water and/or sewerage account or speak to us on your behalf such as a carer, family member or friend.
They will be our first point of contact and responsible for your financial affairs.
If you would like someone to represent your needs permanently, you may want to consider a lasting power of attorney.
If you are someone’s lasting power of attorney, find out how to get it touch about their account.
Not living at home
If your property is furnished and you are staying in hospital, living in residential care or staying with relatives for a long period of time (and are not using any water), we can help.
If your property is unmetered, we can stop your charges temporarily. If your home is metered, you will receive a bill for standing charges only.
If you are away but water is being used, you can redirect your bills to a nominated contact.
What to expect once you have registered
A warm welcome
Once you have registered, you will receive a welcome letter to confirm we have added you to our register.
This will include:
- what services you have signed up to, including any communication needs you have selected
- how we will support you during an incident
- how we will use your data
- the information we share with other organisations and how to opt out
- our promise to knock and wait if you need more time to answer the door when we visit
- our contact details if you ever need to get in touch with us
- what to do if your situation ever changes.
Checking in with you
We will check in with you every two years to make sure we are providing you with the best possible service.
Within each two-year period, we will try to contact you twice by text, email or post.
This will help us to ensure your details are up to date so that we can fully support you and tailor our service to your needs.
A customer’s experience with Priority Services
We support over 100,000 customers through Priority Services. Everyone’s needs are different, and our register is designed to provide tailored help.
Susan is one of the thousands of customers we've helped - listen to her story to find out more about the support available.
Our vulnerability strategy
Read our vulnerability strategy, Every Customer Matters, which outlines our commitment to support those who need extra help.
Developed with customers, organisations, charities, and stakeholders, our strategy describes the work we have done in this area to date as well as our plans to widen support in the future.

Request a leaflet
If you would like a physical copy of this information or a paper application form, please get in touch.
Independent advice
There are a number of independent organisations which offer advice on a range of subjects, from disability and ill health to wellbeing and money.
How we use your data
Our privacy policy tells you how we will collect, use, and share your personal data so we can provide you with extra help through Priority Services.